Institute Assisting the Indigenous Amazon People, Inc. (IATIAP) 

 A 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation


Committed to the Health of the Region

With limited access to hospitals and other medical resources, the indigenous Amazon people greatly benefit from our medical assistance.

Maintaining Global Climate

As scientists have said for years, the Amazon Rainforest is one of the most vital parts of the world’s climate. We work to keep it healthy to help not just the locals, but the planet.

Spreading English

By teaching English throughout the region, we help people get more opportunities socially and professionally.

IATIAP assists pregnant indigenous women in obtaining prenatal care by providing transportation from their communities to doctors, clinics, and hospitals in the “Three Frontiers” region of the Amazon (where the three borders of Colombia, Brazil and Peru meet at the river towns of Leticia, Tabatinga and Santa Rosa on the Amazon River), provide classes in English to indigenous, and assist with conservation and preservation of the rainforest. IATIAP also provides funds to assist with transportation of indigenous children with their guardians to obtain health care.


IATIAP’s primary fundraising method is the lease of one square foot parcels of untouched Amazon rainforest. IATIAP leases several hectares of rainforest from indigenous Huitoto in Amazonas, Colombia, on one year leases under which indigenous landholders are paid fair market value for the carbon capture potential of their land. 

Two square feet of leased Amazon rainforest captures and stores enough carbon dioxide to offset the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by charging either a smart phone or a tablet for one year. LEASE TWO SQUARE FEET for $10.00 USD and offset your smart phone or tablet carbon footprint for one year!   


IATIAP also accepts donations; however, approval as a tax-exempt organization is pending. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding whether your donation may be deductible. 

IATIAP is a small organization and is limited to the Three Frontiers region, but our motto is that OUR SMALL ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN THEIR BIG WORDS. We’re not talkers; we’re doers. 

IATIAP is not affiliated with nor does it espouse the views of any religion and it has no political affiliations. 

Send us a Message

Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch. 

For more information about the work we do for Indigenous Amazon people, Send an email to

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